Typical positions for Digital Nomads
Digital nomad work can be a way to see the world while maintaining career aspirations. If your current employer does not allow for remote work, the best solution may be to find work from anywhere. Here are just a few
Pros and cons of being a Digital Nomad
Cultural experiences. You should know from the get-go whether you enjoy being exposed to all sorts of cultural norms, diverse foods, work attitudes, and so on. If the prospect sounds exciting, you may be in good shape. If it sounds off-putting
Who is a digital nomad?
Telecommuter. Remote worker. There are many names for people who work from home. And recently, another one has emerged: digital nomad.
11 job interview questions that a programmer should prepare for
What questions should a developer prepare for and what features or skills are hidden under them?
Programmer interview – coding test
If you have decided to start the process of preparing for a programming job interview and are unsure of what to focus on in your preparations, this article is for you.
Declaration on entrusting the performance of work in 2022
At the end of January, the Act of December 17, 2021 on the amendment of the Act on foreigners and some other acts came into force. Among the changes in force are those related to the submission of a declaration
How to recruit Eastern programmers for your company
The Polish IT market has become a global market. Specialists from the Vistula are increasingly looking for work on European markets such as Sweden, Norway, the UK or Ireland, and their places are being replaced by programmers from our eastern
Freelancing in IT – a new trend?
Freelancing and being a freelancer are terms that are increasingly encountered in the job market. Many people are leaving permanent employment in favor of running their own business or working on a contract for services or a contract for work,
Czym są kryptowaluty?
Kryptowaluty to wirtualne pieniądze. Opierają się na technice szyfrowania danych (kryptografii), która służy do
Branża gier (gamingowa)
Ogromny i dobrze działający biznes. Globalny rynek gier został wyceniony na kwotę 173,70 mld dolarów i oczekuje się, że do końca 2026 roku osiągnie wartość 314,40 mld dolarów, rejestrując CAGR na poziomie 9,64% w latach 2021-2026. Kiedy nasz wzrok skierujemy na